Sunday, September 1, 2013

Pre-departure nerves, where are you?!

Today is currently 01. September, meaning that I depart for Germany in fewer than two days (One day, 21 hours, and 20 minutes, roughly)!!!  The thing is, I do not even feel as though I will be leaving the country yet, despite the fact that I will be gone for just over 11 months, we can call it a year.

Everything seems to be done and prepared, though.  I have my bags packed with as much as I am able to take at the moment, which is not nearly everything I'll need for a year; I have got my Euro; I have made copies of, stacked, and organized all of the paper work I will need to: open a bank account, enroll at my university, move into my Studentenwohnheim (student dormitory), apply for my visa, and I have also generally familiarized myself with my area, the locations of these places, and some of the train schedules/locations.  Even though I have done all of this, I have not once really become nervous for the immense transition it will be to begin a new year/new life in another country.

On another note, it may be prudent to put this in writing, so that anyone reading this can call me out on it if I am not posting regularly: I would like to post once a week minimum to this blog!  When I first arrive in Germany, however, I am sure there will be much down time, and I will be able to post some of my first impressions, difficulties, achievements, et cetera, but after the first couple of weeks, expect to be able to read this once a week; I will most likely post on Sundays in the morning or afternoon.

If I promise to keep up with my blog, I want you to do me the honor of reading it as often as possible (if not every week)!!  I am leaving a lot of people behind this year, and it would be very difficult, time consuming, and taking from my experiences in Germany if I were to have many the same conversation about what I am doing/what I have done with each one of you.  This blog is my way of not only making a memoir of my wonderful year to come, but it is also a way to stay connected with all of my family and friends in America (as well as to be able to inform anyone, who is contemplating studying abroad in college, of some difficulties and advantages of studying abroad; this goes out to you guys, too!)!!!

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