Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Strasbourg, France

So at around 5:30 on Saturday morning, I awoke to the bright, shining moon!!  "Ah, it is going to be a good day, for I woke up before the sun," I thought to myself.  I ate breakfast, met a friend outside of the building, and we were off to the Hauptbahnhof, at which we met up with the group of fellow travelers all going in the direction: Strasbourg!

We got on the bus at around 8:00, and we were off on a three hour trip to France.

Once we arrived in France, we were immediately bombarded by three or four men trying to sell us those little umbrella hat things, sunglasses, beads, and other things which would scream, "TOURIST!!"  After we all got off of the bus, we began walking, in a group of about 50, towards the Place de la Cathédrale, to see one of the largest cathedrals in the Europe, which had been the largest building in the world until sometime in the 19th Century.  That is pretty cool!

Place de la Cathédrale


After taking a few pictures, we began on a tour towards what is known as little France.  We saw several older buildings and houses, which had the traditional German cross beam designs.  The reasoning for that is that Strasbourg had switched between German and French ownership at least five times throughout history.

The views were nice, and because so many people wanted to take pictures, we actually lost a good half of the group during our walk through this city.

We had met up again at 13:45 to get on a boat tour, which would take us along a small river known as L'Ill.  The tour lasted almost an hour, and we got to listen to some of the history of the city Strasbourg.  After our tour, the small group of friends, with whom I was, and I went to a traditional French restaurant to have Tarte flambée/Flammenkuchen (really thin pizza without sauce; only butter, cheese, and bacon bits).  It was so delicious!!!

By the time we finished, it was time to meet back up at the cathedral, for we were then to head home for the day.  We got home around 21:30, and I just had some late dinner and wine with a group of friends, most of whom were not on the trip to Strasbourg, so we got to discuss some of the things we did.  As per usual, our discussions were fun and went a long time, and I turned in late to bed, to wake up even later on Sunday.  But that was okay, because it was a good weekend nonetheless!!

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